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Girls lighting Meonrah





The Halacha is clear that every house only needs 1 person lighting for the house. It would seem to be that single boys who light in the house is also an Inyan of Chinnuch - is there any mikkor pro or against single girls lighting as well?


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3 answers!





Chasam Sofer, Chidushim, Shabbas 21 says that young women don't light because they used to light at the doors, and kol kevuda bas melech pnima.

Nit'ei Gavriel, Chanuka 7:2 says that since the tachlis of women is to get married and then they will be pattur on the basis of Ner Ish Ubeiso, there is no reason for young girls to accept a hiddur they will ultimately not follow when they reach "tachlis yetzirasan." This is strange for two reasons: because they will be doing the hiddur when they get married, by way of participating in their husband's hadlaka, and because I find it hard to believe that "tachlis yetzirasan" is to become bateil to a man.

Reb Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Halichos Shlomo writes that basically the same without the "tachlis yetzirasan" line; that since they will marry and not light, "lo chaishinan" that they should light until then. This, I understand. Why should they get into the habit of lighting only to stop when they get married?


1   Of course, it's possible for the husband to hava kuvuna not be yotzee her and she can continue the hiddur after getting married to. Lots of dinay chanukuh have changed since we (back in europe) started lighting inside (eg. how late you can light, discussed in the ramo). Now that there is no reason to do bittul, the wife should light a seperate menorah, because we see that the more menoros the more hiddur! - Parent99Dec 23  '12 at 03:30

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In my house girls light until they are Bas Mitzvah. I am not sure why though!


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