Where does it say that Pharoah was only an Amoh high but due to his powers of charisma coupled with strong witchcraft he became the leader?
Is it true that Paroah was only an Amoh high?
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1 answer!
A source of his height being 1 "Ammoh", is the Talmud (Moe'd Kattan 18a).
The Talmud also states there, that Pharoah was a magician.
There is no mention there that Pharaoh used his magical powers to coerece the populace to be subservient to him. However we know from other sources that Egypt was the "magic capital" of the world, where even young children were able to perform real magic. As such, it would be expected that their leader should be a superb expert in performing magic.
There are those who understand the above source as metaphorical. See Maharal (Be'er Hagolah, Be'er 5:8), Sh'lah.
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