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staying in a house after mezuzot are removed





Dear Rebbe,

I am selling my house to a non-Jew and I know I can take off the mezuzot. But the problem is I am making aliya and have many last minute things to do before I leave. In fact, I plan on taking some of these mezuzot with me to Israel.

So my question is this: Can I remove the mezuzot and still stay in the house without mezuzot for a while? How about 2 weeks? I can't leave taking the mezuzot off till the last minute.

Thank you.


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Mazal Tov on your upcoming move to Eretz Yisrael!

I understand that you may have many preparations to take care of before the big day comes, but leaving a home unprotected by the mitzvah of mezuzah is NOT a good idea. (By way of analogy, if someone was planning to take along his smoke detector with him to his new home, he wouldn't take it down and pack it up two weeks before the moving date).

A possible solution is to remove the mezuzos from their place (unscrew, take out the nails, etc.) earlier, and then immediately re-tape them in place. On moving day, the mezuzos can then easily be removed and packed up in minimal time. (Depending on the size of the house, I estimate that this will take up less than 5 minutes of your valuable time that day).


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