What brocho do you make on corn thins (like rice cakes, just made from corn instead of rice)?
What brocho do you make on corn thins? [closed]
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2 answers!
one would need to know the exact ingredients to know the actual brocho, soup croutons was my last subject what brocho would you make on that?
The bracha on corn thins, multi grain corn thins and soy crisps:
Both Corn and Soy are Ha'adoma when eaten whole and intact. And both become shehakol when processed into a flour. I believe corn thins and soy crisps are made in such a way that the grain is milled into a flour and then used to reform a chip - therefore they should be shehakol.
As far as the multigrain version is concerned. Does the multigrain version contain wheat, spelt, barley, oats or rye? If yes, and if there is a substantial amount (meaning it comes up as one of the first several ingredients) then it would be mezonot. If not, then shehakol.
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