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do you have to go to a place with a Minyan in Holiday!





thats it. does the Chiyuv to daven with a minyan make you go to such place? And if there is a minyan, do you really have to go or are there loopholes. Yes, i know am looking for loopholes! Sorry, but at least im honest


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2 answers!





Rav Vosner was asked (Shevet HaLevi 6:21) if it is permissible to vacation in a place where there is no minyan. The writer claimed it should be permitted because the Chiyuv of davening with a Minyan is only in a place that has a minyan. In a place where there is no Minyan, the requirement to daven with a minyan does not exist. He brings proof from Tzadikim who acted this way.

Rav Vosner answers that if you are traveling purely for pleasure, even though you have not actually done something assur, you may not do so. You are not permitted to put yourself in a position where you will then not be required to perform a mitzva that you would have been obligated to do had you not been in that position. It doesn’t matter if it is a mitzva Min HaTorah or M’D’Rabanan. Chiyuv or no Chiyuv, the bottom line is that you have caused a situation where you will now miss Kadish, Borchu, and other mitzvos and you were Mivatel Kiddush Hashem.

If for the sake of your livelihood you live in a place where there is no minyan, then you haven’t done anything wrong. However to put yourself in this situation is assur.

Lastly he says, if a tzaddik traveled to a place that didn’t have a minyan, he either had some sort of halachic justification, or he probably did it for medical or other important reasons. If he did it without any special reason, then Rav Vosner says, “Tzadikim like that I never heard of”.


    but where does it even say there is a chiyuv?, nice quote though - King of KingsAug 06  '12 at 12:54
1   nice quote!!! - Yehuda HaMaccabiAug 08  '12 at 09:57

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There is no Halacha that one has to daven with a Minyan. It just says one should try hard, if you are too tired or something you do not have to. Therefore perhaps if you have what to gain in a place without minyan you are permitted to go there!


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