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Showing 10 most voted questions out of 14!
5what are some english words that are taken from Lashon Hakodesh? [closed]
4are you allowed to leave a taxi after ordering it? [closed]
4Is it muttar for ones wife to swim on a Goyishe beach with no Yidden around?
4Is eating to distract oneself from problems a form of addiction?
3Is it better to stand for Chazaras HaShatz or for Piyutim when the Aron Hakodesh is open
3why do some people put their Rabeinu Tam tefillin on by Mincha
2do I have to wash twice after I was excused and still need to wash for Hamotzy as well
1Why did the Rambam live in Egypt if he himself Bans it according to Halacha? [closed]
1do you have to go to a place with a Minyan in Holiday!
Showing 10 most voted answers out of 14!
7What every man wishes his wife would know about internet filtering
4Is one permitted to kill oneself if he knows that is the only way to stop himself doing an aveirah
4what are some english words that are taken from Lashon Hakodesh?
4It's the users who usually come up with the best ideas for a site like this! (July 2012)
3Is there any Heter to go to a hot Mikveh in the 9 days?
3If Chazal were around do you think they would still make us fast?
2Why did the Rambam live in Egypt if he himself Bans it according to Halacha?
2what are the Roshei Teivos for Elul that you know
2Are you allowed to teach your son the Brachos for his Bar Mitzvah with the Shem Umalchus?
2How to tell my child to stop smoking without hurting or putting down my smoking husband?