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Why when we swim do we not have to wear Tzitzis but when walking in the heat we do?





Nobody wears tzitis when swimming even though we do not have to swim, because we are allowed to do things for enjoyment even if we wont be mekayem the mitzvah of tzitzis whilst doing it. So why when walking around during the summer, cant we take them off? It is very unpleasant to wear them.


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3 answers!





The Chazon Ish held that wearing wool tzitzis in the summer isn't yotzei the mitzva because it's so uncomfortable that it's not a beged. So you are right: you can take them off in the summer.


    but you would have to buy non-wool ones! - Shmuel YaacovsonAug 13  '12 at 11:23
    @shmuel Only if non-wool ones would be comfortable. When swimming it's hard to argue that. - Copycat33Aug 15  '12 at 17:56

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There is no Chiyuv to wear tzitzis, we wear them because BeIdon Rishcha we dont want to be seen not wearing them. However if you take them off for a sport then there shouldnt be a problem


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Swimming is universally accepted to go undressed. That makes it a place where one does not have to. But jogging for example takes place in a normal place where people do where clothes, and many people jog with clothes, and the definition of jogging does not mean unclothes. Thats why we dont take our tzitis off for jogging


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