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Showing 10 most voted questions out of 13!
6Why didnt Reb Yochanon revive Reish Lakish after he missed him so much? [closed]
4What is the exact issur of looking at impure things on the internet? [closed]
4why does it say Bas Ploni to Ploni and not to Ben Ploni
2Do you have to say Asher Yotzar if you get up in the middle of the night?
2What is the only Posuk in the whole Tanach that is exactly the Gematria of Rosh Hashana? [closed]
2If the Achronim say that anyone who doesnt learn Hilchos Shabbos is Oiver why do we stay awake?
1are you allowed to have a hot shower on Erev Shabbos in the 9 Days?
1Why was the Nodah Beyehuda so opposed to saying Leshem Yichud before a Mitzvah? [closed]
1why is Elul only big in Yeshivas but in the working field is just like any other month?
Showing 10 most voted answers out of 18!
3Should you eat pork or speak Loshon Hora if you had to choose between the two?
3What is the only Posuk in the whole Tanach that is exactly the Gematria of Rosh Hashana?
2is it true that those killed Al Kiddush Hashem dont feel the pain?
2what would happen if the year 6000 came and Moshiach had not yet arrived?
2What does it mean to daven that the Chodesh should have Long Life?
2are you allowed to eat outside of the succah when on an outing?
1It's the users who usually come up with the best ideas for a site like this! (July 2012)
1what are advantages and disadvantages of Daf HaYomi
1Why is it a good thing to get scared for the Yom HaDin?
1Is it better to stand for Chazaras HaShatz or for Piyutim when the Aron Hakodesh is open