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The Inter-net [closed]





Im really asking this question in utter sincerety. Is there a way to break the internet?

I have just finished giving a shmooze about the internet and so many people came up to me telling me that they are addicted to it and the only way for them to stop is somone to break it. So please all you techys out there come together and lets break the internet once and for all and bring mashiach speedily in our days.( someone told me that if you type google into google it breaks the internet, but it doesn't work)

Many Thanks

Rav Klonimus Kalman Wesselburger
-Chief Rabbi of The Democratic Republic Of Congo In An Official Capacity


2   are you the same Rabbi Wesselburger who gave a speech in Russia on how to stop people who have come back on the derech from returning to their bad ways? Welcome to the site! - disgruntledGoatJul 11  '12 at 08:32
3   Yeah I was at that speech in Russia, but it didn't help that much. I managed to break free from my internet addiction, but now with Need an Eitza, I'm hooked again. HELP! - Eitza GeberJul 11  '12 at 15:15

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2 answers!





This is a sentiment that everyone who is honest with themselves will admit to. Even Google themselves are constantly working on producing better filters. See my answer here for help on filters.


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The internet is only growing and becoming more dangerous. It will never leave us. 100 years ago before there were immoral billboards up in the street they would never have believed that one day people would walk aroud how they do now. I bet you there were people saying Hashem would never let the level of Kedushah go down.

But it did didnt it? So too with the internet. Get used to a Jewish world which wont be as pure as it was without the Internet!


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