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are you allowed to leave a taxi after ordering it? [closed]





I think the Halacha is if you order a taxi you must wait for it even if other taxis pass you by. What is the Halacha when you are on the street and a taxi passes you with someone in and says that he will come in two minutes to fetch you after he drops off the other person. A minute later another taxi comes and offers you a trip.

Do you have to wait for the first one? If he finds someone else on the way back do you think he will wait for me, he doesnt even know that I am still waiting?


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2 answers!





A good idea in the scenario you mentioned, is to tell the first driver that fine you'll be waiting for him, however no longer than 3-4 minutes (cutting him some slack from the 2 minutes he claimed).

This way you've made it clear that you intend to wait for him. You also made it clear that you reserve the right to take any taxi that may come along after that time.

This should also take care of any potential "chilul Hashem". If the driver comes back after 5 minutes, and you aren’t there anymore, he'll know why.

If a different taxi driver cruises by and offers you his services, you now have the tremendous opportunity to make a "kiddush Hashem", by first thanking him for stopping for you. You then politely explain to him that you really would like to take him up on his offer, but you already promised another driver that you will be waiting for him for X minutes. You can also add a comment that you think that you think that that's the ethical thing to do.

Regarding your question why a person can’t do as much bad as a non-Jew would, I would recommend that you post it as a separate question.


    Hi Webbe Rebbe, welcome to Need AN Eitzah. Please stick around, by the way see - Yehuda HaMaccabiJan 24  '13 at 23:47
    See my comment below... - Webbe RebbeJan 28  '13 at 18:02

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regardless - if it is obvious that you are a Yid - you would need to wait to avoid a Chillul Hahshem


    I never get why a person cant do as much bad as a Goy would, I am gonna ask a question here - disgruntledGoatJan 20  '13 at 14:55
    Regarding your question why a person can’t do as much bad as a non-Jew would, I would recommend that you post it as a separate question. - Webbe RebbeJan 28  '13 at 17:59
    Your previous question about "Is everything we do not good in front of a Goy really a Chilul Hashem?", is a different one. That question is related to how do we define "chilul Hashem. The question you're asking now, is why do Jews always need to do the right thing? - Webbe RebbeJan 28  '13 at 18:02

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