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Are there Pesukim that say we will be brought back from Galus from the Second Beis Hamikdash?





We all say loads of Pesukim which refer to the Geula which will come speedily in our days. What I am looking for specifically, can anyone point to somewhere in Tanach which says we will be redeemed? The ones I have seen so far are going on the Galus between the two Batei Hamkdashim and that has already been Mekuyam! But we are now in another Galus, which Pesukim speak about our one?


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2 answers!





The Gemoro in the end of Maccos says that Rabbi Akiva (who lived after the destruction of the second Temple) walked past the Kodesh Kodshim and saw foxes skulking around. While his contemparaies burst out into tears he burst out laughing. Astonished, his friends asked him to explain his laughter. Rabbi Akiva countered and requested they explain their tears. They explained that on the Place where it says "No foreigner shall tread" skulk foxes! Rabbi Akiva said back to them, the reason I laughed is because until now I wasnt sure if Zecharya's Nevuah would be Mekuyam that one day Yerushalyim will be filled with Yidden, but now that another prophecy of the foxes has come to be, so to will the Geula prophecy come to be.

We see from here (and it is probably obvious even without this Gemore just beacause of the date in which it was said) that Zecharya who promises

Still there will sit old men and women in the streets of Jerusalem, and boys and so too girls will play in the streets

is going on a time after the second Beis Hamikdash was destroyed.


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The whole of the Sefer Zecharya is at the time of the second Beis Hamkidash and it is there that he says that it will be destroyed and rebuilt a third time again!


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