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10 questions!
5Should you eat pork or speak Loshon Hora if you had to choose between the two? [closed]
4what is the name of the sefer that explains all the bad names Chazal used on each other for the good
3Why was Esau angry with Yaacov about the Firstborn if he sold it to him? [closed]
3What is the yiddish view on whether there exist other species on other planets [closed]
2What gives a Shul the right to reaquisition other peoples belongings without thier consent?
1can you listen to classical music during the 3 weeks and the omer? [closed]
1why do Belzers eat before Davening?
1Where can i find more on the connection between Esau and David Hamelech
0Is there chazakah on a place in the beis hamedrash when there is no official Kolel? [closed]
0is a boy allowed to eat without a Yamulka on when he doesnt have to wear one like by the pool?
Showing 10 most voted answers out of 15!
5is it true that those killed Al Kiddush Hashem dont feel the pain?
1why do some people put their Rabeinu Tam tefillin on by Mincha
1would a person who crashes into another car whilst speeding be exempt from paying?
1Are we Noiheg to use the rule of take the good and throw away the bad on a bad person nowadays?
1Why do Yidden hate to see other Yidden on Holiday
1can a woman make havdala by herself if she is not fasting
0Is there anything wrong with wearing Crocs on Tisha Bav
0does anyone know if walkers vinegar crisps are kosher anymore?
0Is Tznius for a boy a minhag tov or halacha