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can you help me with this Daf HaYomi question on Brachos Daf Beis? [closed]





The Gemoro queries as to how do we know that the sun moving refers to setting, perhaps it refers to rising. Is the Gemoro asking how the Mishnah saw it from the Pasuk, or is the Gemoro asking what does the Mishnah itself actually mean?

If the latter then it comes out the Gemoro wants you to say Krias Shema from Aloos? That doesnt make sense. If the Gemoro is asking what is the proof from the pasuk, then how does finding it in a Braayso help anything (on Amed Beis)?

Thanks a lot


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3 answers!





The Mishnah never gave a clear time, only a reference "from the time a Kohen may eat Trumah". The Gemara then asks what is this time and answers "Tzais" The reason the Mishnah did not say Tzais straight up - is specifically to teach us a side note that though in order to become Tohar a Kohen needs night fall and a Korbon - lack of Korbon is not Meakev but night fall (or lack thereof) is a deal breaker. Then the Gemara says - how do you know from the Possuk "sun moving refers to setting, perhaps it refers to rising" - Gemoro is asking how is this clear from the Pasuk? Both Rabba Bar Shilah and the Braaisa are bringing proof to the clarity of the Possuk - that the possuk must mean sun set and not sunrise.


    the braiseh is coming to be Poishet the question? - Yehuda HaMaccabiAug 08  '12 at 19:59

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It's referring to the earliest time for a Cohen to eat Trumah. The Gemara asks if a cohen can eat Terumah when the day ends or is it when he brings a korban.

The Braisa is a proof to this point. It says that one says Shema when a Cohen is permitted to eat Teruma - at Tzeis.

The better question can be why do they prove it from a Brasaisa when our Mishna says the same thing?


    thats what is confusing, the way I see it the answer to your problem is that the Gemoro is asking where does the Mishnah see it from the Posuk. Perhaps that is the query on amud alef, but in Amed beis in the query of Maarava was querying in the Mishnah so they brought a proof from there. But still its bothersome why didnt they bring proof from the Mishnah? - gadol hadorAug 07  '12 at 12:07

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The Artscroll explains that the first query is on the Mekor of the Pasuk, and the second one ie the Bnei Maarava queried what is Pshat Halacha Lemaaseh!


1   can't argue with a בפירושע ארטסקרול - SJRAug 08  '12 at 21:58
    @sjr hope these artscroll users can read your hebrew :-) - gadol hadorAug 10  '12 at 14:11

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