gadol hador
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12 years
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12 years ago
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A person is where his mind is!
Showing 10 most voted questions out of 13!
10Are small mundane things not related to Yiddishkeit Bashert from heaven? [closed]
3why are Rishonim so harsh with one another on their opponents Pshat? [closed]
3what would happen if the year 6000 came and Moshiach had not yet arrived? [closed]
3would a person who crashes into another car whilst speeding be exempt from paying?
2What in short is a Heter Iska [closed]
2would a video camera be considered good witness to condemn someone with the death penalty? [closed]
2Should you really put your own oxygen mask on before putting on your childs? [closed]
2can someone explain me the difference between Daf HaYomi and Dirshu
2can you help me with this Daf HaYomi question on Brachos Daf Beis? [closed]
2did the Early Jews cover their heads?
Showing 10 most voted answers out of 12!
6Should the intenet be used to ask for and recieve advice in Yiddishkeit
4What every man wishes his wife would know about internet filtering
2Why dont the Poskim reinstate Techelet now
2I want to measure a shul's mechitzah but I'm not sure if the staff will mind
1Should we really dance after neilah?
1If the Achronim say that anyone who doesnt learn Hilchos Shabbos is Oiver why do we stay awake?
1How have you managed to make for yourself a decent filter and deterence against abusing the internet
0why are Rishonim so harsh with one another on their opponents Pshat?
0Why dont we call our children Yishmoel anymore