Joe Shmoe
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12 years
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11 years ago
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Showing 10 most voted answers out of 17!
4Should we really listen to Chazal if they tell us that our left arm is our right one?
3what are some english words that are taken from Lashon Hakodesh?
3It's the users who usually come up with the best ideas for a site like this! (July 2012)
3It's the users who usually come up with the best ideas for a site like this! (July 2012)
3Is it true that the Vilna Goan didnt let the Bal Hatanya in to speak with him and if so then why not
2Is it possible to miss getting married to ones Bashert and to get married to someone not Bashert?
2can you help me with this Daf HaYomi question on Brachos Daf Beis?
1It's the users who usually come up with the best ideas for a site like this! (July 2012)