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Why isnt it Ossur to close your oven on Shabbos when the light is on?





Our oven has a thermstat that constantly toggles the oven motor on and off based on whether the oven has reached the set heat. When the motor is off, opening the oven causes the temperature to drop, which itself causes the motor to start up sooner. Therefore this is Ossur on Shabbos and must be opened only when the light is on.

My question is nobody ever heard of an Issur to close it when the light is on, and why not? Surely by closing the oven you increase the temperature and the motor will switch off sooner?


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2 answers!





This is because turning a motor off is only a Derabanan because it is Melacha Sheina Tzricha Legufah! Add that to Gerama and your cool! Switching on is DeOiraysa, so even with Gerama it is still Ossur. Will get you the source when i find by Orchois Shabbos!


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The key word is "sooner" - because it will not switch off right away it is only considered a Grumma - similar to the reason why there is no issur to open and close doors in rooms when the air conditioner or heat are running - this is all considered a Grumma


    In that case why cant you open the oven when the light is off? - gadol hadorAug 29  '12 at 21:01
    Because that will right away/instantly cause the light to go on. This question is really meant for a lengthy Shaila to a Rav but the basic way it is supposed to work is as follows: Light on means oven is adding heat therefore by you opening the door you are not triggering anything to go on or off (rather maintaining) However light off means that the oven is maintaining the heat inside, therefore the second you open the door you will trigger the oven to start working again and light will go on - SJRAug 29  '12 at 21:15
    As technology continues to find new improvements, the situation regarding Shabbos will only blur even more - therefore please ask your Rav every Shailoh - SJRAug 29  '12 at 21:31
    Why do you consider causing the oven to switch off any less an aveirah then causing it to switch on, neither is quicker then other! - Yehuda HaMaccabiAug 30  '12 at 14:13
    When you open the oven door while it is running it will "just" continue to run - you are not causing anything to happen. When you open the oven door while the oven is not running you will cause the light/thermostat to go on right away and oven will start running. - SJRAug 30  '12 at 17:45

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