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If the Achronim say that anyone who doesnt learn Hilchos Shabbos is Oiver why do we stay awake?





I think that the Achronim say that if a person doesnt learn Hilchos Shabbos he will definitely be Oiver some Issurei Shabbos. In that case why dont we have to sleep the whole Shabbos to stop ourselves being Oiver anything, why are we allowed to put ourseleves in a situation where we will do an Aveirah?


    Good question! +1 - gadol hadorSep 13  '12 at 14:53

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2 answers!





I have a better answer: Learn Hilchos Shabbos!


    ?על רגל אחת - Shmuel YaacovsonApr 21  '13 at 18:10

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This is an extremely complicated issue. The first thought that comes to mind is to just say that the Torah wants people to be normal and not stay locked up the whole Shabbos. But this answer is definitely not complete because what happens when one goes into a room though another room, and by coming out of the room he is in he will cause a light to switch on. He has to stay there the whole Shabbos. So why dont we say God wants us to be normal and that we should just come out?

I am not sure of the correct answer but perhaps the real answer is that it is an exaggeration that we will definitely be Oiver. But I doubt this is the real answer and the Achronim didnt exaggerate on these things!

Perhaps because we have no idea where the Issur will come from, and when it will come, we are not yet considered to be a situation that requires us to be careful from doing a Malacha. As in we definitely should not eat foods that make us prone to be Over the Issur of Borer, but not to go into a house is too far fetched even it will end up as an Issur because the where and why are missing. I am not saying I understand this but it could be the reason!

Would love to hear other peoples answers!


    hi gadol hador, nice answer. gotta be honest dont really understand a word of it though - DannySep 13  '12 at 17:59

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