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Why is it a good thing to get scared for the Yom HaDin?





It says 'Day Tzarah LeShaatoh'! This means that there is no point in worrying about anything of which the product of the worry is futile. IE perhaps to plan a plan it is good to think about what could happen, but worry has no place. If the bad thing will happen, it wont help worrying. If it wont, why worry. This should be the pyscological stance of a clever person on the matters of fear and worry.

In that case how does it make sense to be scared of the Yom HaDin? Of course to plan is important, but what are you scared about. Whatever will be will be?


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3 answers!





The fear is not pointless - rather it to instill in us the ability to do and daven for all good with all our hearts The Brisker Rav relates the following parable:

There was a man who earned his livelihood by smuggling illegal goods across the border from one country to another. He would have customers in different cities, that he would sell to once he got there. How did he actually transport the goods? He would hire an unassuming wagon driver, load up the back and settle down for the journey. The smuggler himself knew exactly what he was carrying and knew the repercussions of what he was doing. He understood he was committing a crime. A few hours before they would even reach the border he would begin to get extremely edgy and nervous, for he understood what was at stake. The wagon driver, on the other hand, had no reason to be nervous. As they approached the actual border the wagon driver would get a little nervous, naturally, for there were times when you can encounter a nasty border guard who could cause problems if he so desires. The only one, who had no fear at all, as they approached the border, was the horses. They were oblivious to what was going on, had no clue what they were carrying and unaware of the ramifications that could have existed should they get caught. My understanding is that those of us who understand the seriousness of these times will begin to "Worry" at the beginning of Elul, Those of us who are not so into it will only begin right before R"H, and then there are those like the horses who just can't wait for the food!!


    what a nice Moshol, never heard this before. Reminds me of a moshol of person who never saw a train, and one day he was standing on a rail tracks and a train was coming towards him. When the driver saw the person on the track he hooted him to get out of the way. The person stood in awe thinking, wow, not only does it go so far but it can make a loud noise too. Then all the people started waving from the window shouting desperately for him to move and he was just thinking how more and more... - disgruntledGoatSep 12  '12 at 00:49
    amazing it all was. Until he got killed!!! The nimshal is we hear a Shmooze in Elul and we say, wow, that was a good shmooze, but we dont do anything about it. We have to listen to the Shmooze/horn and move out of the (bad) way(s).!!! - disgruntledGoatSep 12  '12 at 00:50
    @sjr but how do we get that fear when our inner heart just says there is no point to fear because what will happen will happen. No one is denying that it is a good thing, but shouldnt your senses say Day Tzara Beshato? - DannySep 12  '12 at 18:31
    My advice - is to think about all the normal things in your life that are/or could go wrong (HEALTH, PARNASSAH, ETC.)and realize that YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THESE - YOU ARE @ THE MERCY OF HAHSHEM - BUT YOU have the ability to DAVEN and make requests/changes - wishing you and KLAL YISROEL A KSIVAH VICHASIMAH TOIVAH - SJRSep 12  '12 at 21:31
    Thanks for you answer. Is it your own parable or is it quoted. Wouldnt mind knowing who to say it over beshem - gadol hadorSep 13  '12 at 14:24

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From Rav Avigdor Miller ZATZAL - What impact should Rosh Hashanah have on us? We are afraid of the great judgment of Rosh Hashanah. Not only we are judged for the year to come, we are judged what's going to be afterwards, the rest of our lives and after our lives. The pachad (dread) of the Yom Hadin (Day of Judgment) has to enter the marrow of our bones. (#E-201, Fundamental Principles)


    how does this answer the question any more then your previuos answer - gadol hadorSep 13  '12 at 14:26

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I would like to suggest that it is the Awe that we dread, not the actual fear of what could happen. And Awe doesnt go away with Day Tzaroh Beshaatoh


    I also thought of that but I nowadays people at least are definetely scared of the actual Oinesh as well! - gadol hadorSep 13  '12 at 14:27

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