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Is it muttar for ones wife to swim on a Goyishe beach with no Yidden around?





Going to a beach with ones wife can be problematic for two reasons. The first is that there are many unTzniusdig scenes out there. The second is that it is Ossur for your wife to be seen not fully dressed because of Lifnei Iveir. Without going into too much detail, is it safe to say that this second Issur does not apply on a Goyishe beach where the onlookers are not Jewish and therefore not Metzuvah in the Issur of Histaclus?

EDIT: The question is in a case of when the woman is not suitably dressed!


1   You will still have the first problem. I dont think it counts to say you wont look because it is Ossur to go on a Derech which has Pritzus if you dont have to. - gadol hadorAug 01  '12 at 00:36
    Chibah BeRabbim is also Ossur - Old WineAug 01  '12 at 15:12

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3 answers!





Yes for sure if she goes alone and wears a modest dress


1   Hi miltonw, welcome to Need An Eitzah. Thanks for your answer and we are looking forward to seeing you around. Although unclear in the question, I assume the question is when the woman is not wearing a modest dress. In which case your answer will reflect that you believe it is Ossur, can you tell us what the Issur is? I will edit the question to make it more clear, feel free to edit your answer if the context changes! - Yehuda HaMaccabiAug 02  '12 at 11:19
2   whats wrong undressed in front of non-jews? - Oiker HarimAug 02  '12 at 11:57

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Would have thought it wasnt a problem but I remember seeing a Reb Moshe that discusses swimming in front a lifeguard and he wasnt happy about it


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I would say it's prohibited because first of all Lifnei Iveir does apply to a non-jew and Tznius falls under the category of Arayos (I'll try to get some sources from the Rambam on it's relevence to non-jews)


    Even if Lifnei Iveri applies to a non-jew but he has no Issur to look. Surely looking for a Goy isnt included in the Issur of Arayos? - busy gabbaiAug 02  '12 at 23:05

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