Oiker Harim
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Member for
12 years
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12 years ago
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6 questions!
5Why dont we call our children Yishmoel anymore
4Is it wrong to send a boy to a Yeshiva where the boys father is a Maggid shuir? [closed]
4was there such a thing as OCD 100 years ago?
3Is it permitted to be upset after your favourite soccer team lost an important match?
2Is there an Issur Yichud to go in a lift with a woman when the ride will last about 25 seconds?
1Are you allowed to say I going to take short cut through the Beis Medrash if you will say a Posuk?
7 answers!
5is there anyone nowadays that would be universally accepted as Moshiach?
2Why didnt Reb Yochanon revive Reish Lakish after he missed him so much?
1why are we not allowed to look at the Kohanim when the bless us with taleisim over them?
1why does it say Bas Ploni to Ploni and not to Ben Ploni
1Is it muttar to steal from the medinah?
0can you donate Tzedakah to no-one in particular and it is still called Tzedakah?
-1What is the exact issur of looking at impure things on the internet?