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Does graphology really work?





My husband has been reading up on graphology lately and is diagnosing everyone in the family with big issues we didnt know we had. He has even found that he really is interested in sports although he has always hated sports until now. I think it absolute rubbish and pure fluke when something is right. Has anyone had positive feedback with this sort of therapy?


3   No graphology is made up. Thousands are all teemed in this together and have decided on a set of fake rules to trick the world. COME ON!!! - shteeblehopperJul 03  '12 at 23:50

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4 answers!





According to wikipedia, it is a pseudoscience, which means that according to objective studies, there is no way to tell someone's personality from handwriting.

Maybe there is a system based on Kabbalah Maasis, so unless you are on that level, forget about it. The "street" version has no validity.


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Your husband obviously hasn't read up enough! Graphology should only be done by someone who has trained for at least a year, and learnt from professional graphologists. Simply reading a book is foolhardy and not encouraged by anyone. These books only come into use when being read in conjuction with professional guidance. Just as a small example, writing with a slant to the right means one thing, where as if the writer also dots the letter 'I' off to the right, it means something else entirely. Unless the whole course is completed properly, and even then there is always room for improvement, one can make judgments and readings that are way off reality!


    go tell her husband - gadol hadorJul 04  '12 at 18:31
2   wow lucky the text here is computer formatted or I would be in serious trouble. My righting is way off to the right! - Yehuda HaMaccabiJul 04  '12 at 18:32
    i didnt know you could take a course for these things, gonna check this out - Old WineJul 04  '12 at 18:33
2   @Yehuda HaMaccabe: Writing way off to the right, in SOME circumstances can imply murderous nature! No wonder you managed to win the Greeks all those years ago! - Eitza GeberJul 05  '12 at 19:40

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I personally was asked by my chosson teacher all those years ago, for a letter my kallah had written me. He then analyzed her writing and told me what to be carefull for, very comforting I dont think! Beleive it or not everything he said was true. The real pro's know what to ignore and what not.


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Your husband is absolutely right! Grapholoy is very important and a lot of shadchanim use this nowadays as a way of seeing if a shidduch will work. Just trust your man!


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