small fry
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12 years
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12 years ago
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7 questions!
8What every man wishes his wife would know about internet filtering [closed]
3are you allowed to eat outside of the succah when on an outing?
3Why do people when putting on a Talis swing it over the right shoulder?
1Are you allowed to put your talis over your Tefillin?
0does anyone know if walkers vinegar crisps are kosher anymore?
0can a person miss out parts of davening based on having more Kavana on the rest of it?
8 answers!
2Why do Yidden hate to see other Yidden on Holiday
1can you listen to classical music during the 3 weeks and the omer?
1Does Tish Ba'av have its full consequences when its nidcheh?
0where does it say that Dovid Hamelech is the fourth Forefather
-1Is there any Heter to go to a hot Mikveh in the 9 days?
-1Is eating to distract oneself from problems a form of addiction?