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What were the Zionists Oiver when they made the state?





I think it is agreed upon that it was definitely Ossur to make a State of Israel. But the Gedolmi paskened that once it is already ours, we can and should keep it and live here. My question is two-fold. Why did the Gedolim oppose it, and if they did, why now that it is here can we remain? Shouldnt the keeping of the State be just as Ossur?

Thanks in advance


3   can you link to a source on "it is agreed upon that it was definitely Ossur to make a State of Israel." - disgruntledGoatJul 17  '12 at 20:29

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6 answers!





It was not definitely asur to make the state of Israel.

Although the Satmar rabbi opposed it, I don't think there were any more prominent authorities who did. (By the way, R' Aviner wrote a book refuting his arguments. I have read neither of the two books.) And we follow the majority in deciding halachah. (If you're wondering what the Satmar rabbi held they were transgressing, you can check the above link to Wikipedia.)

If what I wrote is true, your other questions are not problematic.


    A lot of other gedolim opposed it as well in the beginning, they just went along with it afterwards - small fryJul 17  '12 at 23:58
    ......Who? - b aJul 21  '12 at 02:59

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Come on guys, the answer is truly obvious. The problem with creating the state is clear. As mentioned above, Hashem assured klal yisroel from ever taking over the country by force and creating their own state from it. The reason why the Gedolim nowdays are not opposed to it anymore is because giving back any part of the land is a serious sakanah as it gives the arabs a stronger foothold in the country, thus increased terrorist attacks. Even if UTJ win all 120 seats in the next elections, and the country is thus led by pure daas torah, no part of the land will be returned because of the above mentioned reason. This is where the current Netora Katah have got it wrong.(as opposed to the original one, headed by Harav Amram Blau) They are taking the issur to the opposite extreme, and trying to consent as much as possible to the arabs!


    Can yo clarify the difference between the Netorie Karta that was and the one that is? - Yehuda HaMaccabiJul 19  '12 at 01:56
    On a basic level. The old one one was led by daas torah and by extremely choshuva rabbonim, and was completely leshem shamayim. Even their hard stance on the issue was a relatively balanced one, and was understood by many, even those not directly involved. The current group have no proper leadership and go neged nearly all daas torah of todays generation, by going and sucking up to the evil murderers, and visting and giving presents to plenty of terrorists with blood on their hands. - Eitza GeberJul 19  '12 at 16:09
    Above Continuation: They also would love to give back every inch of Eretz Yisroel even though that would obviously mean much more terrorism and blood being spilled. Even the Satmar Rav and the Brisker Rav who both held very serious positions on this topic, did not approve of the current mehalech. They are purely evil people and are led by gaaveh. - Eitza GeberJul 19  '12 at 16:12
    I agree totally. It always happens that what starts by the Rebbe Lishmoh, ends with the Chasssdim Shelo Lishmoh! - disgruntledGoatJul 19  '12 at 20:35

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This is one of those "dont even attempt to argue" topics. Each side of the fence is SO convinced about them being one gazillion percent right, it would be a total waist to try in the least way to convey your views (on this topic) onto someone else. So while this is true with everything else in life (you will never change someone elses thinking, dont even try...), is especially bold with this topic.

Rabbi this Gedolim that, its completely irrelevant, here's my take on this. A "Jewish" state on the soil of the holiest place on earth, that's structured on, denying the existence of Gd (or worse, spiting Gd), despising Torah values, Gay marches in no better place than Yerushalayim, Chillul Shabbos, can NOT sit well with the Hasham that i serve, and if it doesn't sit well with him, it doesn't sit well with me, period! There's really not much to debate, i will not support a person or a group of people that spite and Anger the Hasham i love, and do so everyday. I will therefore never support the Zionist state of Israel, even an ocean of Rabbis and Gedolim would argue otherwise.

EDIT: Update response to Aloh Naaleh's claim that speaking out against Apikorsim is Lushen Hora

Almost forgot, i like to source myself to backup my claim

לכן מתר להכלימו ולספר בגנותו בין בפניו ובין שלא בפניו

אם הוכיח אותו בזה, ולא הזר,דמתר לפרסמו ולגלות על חטאיו בשער בת רבים ולשפך בוז עליו

שעבר בשאט נפש על אסורין הידועין לכל לשראל שהוא אסור כנאוף, וכיוצא בזה, על איש כזה מתר לקבל לשון הרע

אבל אותן האנשים שמכירם שיש בהם אפיקורסות, מצוה לגנותם ולבזותם


3   You're so worried about hurting Hashem. It hurts Hashem to hear you say the things you say about his children. Yes. Zionists and chilonim are his children, too. Learn from the Berditchever Rebbe. Your challenge is to see the good (i.e. supporting Torah) in the Jewish State that you don't support. - Aloh NaalehJul 18  '12 at 23:51
1   Yossi, you will spit on the people Hashem loves? You will spread lashon hara al haklal? The chilonim who build the roads talmidim travel on the get to yeshiva, the hospitals that save Jewish lives, and the army that protects Jewish communities show more ahavas yisroel than you do. If the meraglim were punished so harshly for lashon hara spoken about the Land, kal v'chomer lashon hara about the PEOPLE! Hashem loves the LARGEST supporter of Torah learning in the world (Zionist govt. & taxpayer). - Aloh NaalehJul 18  '12 at 17:05
1   Following your logic, wouldn't that c'v make the Chofetz Chaim a Ra... for suggesting such an Halucha? But more importantly, how did you infer from my words that i dont observe that Mitzvah, or that I dont love another Yid? I said that i dont support their spiteful actions against Hasham because its hurting Hasham, in which case, the Halucha calls for speaking out against it. - YossiJul 18  '12 at 22:33
    There you go :) Like i said, folks are so passionate about this topic and so convinced there could be no other take on it, its actually funny. Though a pretty interesting equation of the Meraglim who were against Moshe Rabainu and Hasham to peoples take who are for Hasham. But, i didnt "spit" on anyone, i said i dont support pple who HURT the father and Hasham i love. Serious Talmidum would learn and go to Yashiva even without those roads, they have been for thousands of years. - YossiJul 18  '12 at 17:48
    The same is true for the Army, we are protected not because "we" have weapons or muscles, we are protected because Hasham protects us. LH is a huge sin, i agree, but did you know that the Chofets Chaim holds that its allowed to talk on a Rasha? What is a Rasha? one who completely disregards ONLY one mitzvah, let alone the entire Torah. and did you know that the Chofetz Chaim holds that its a Mitzvah to bad mouth an Apikores? whats an Apikores? one that denies ONE word of the Totah. Just sayin... - YossiJul 18  '12 at 17:54
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No one has actually mentioned any Issur that is found in the sefer hamitzvos. It's a question of hashkafa, of how you interpret the gemara in the end of kesubos and a whole host of social reasons. Chareidim don't like change :)

In any case the state has funded thousands of bochurim to sit in yeshiva and gives out shed loads of benefits for frum jews. If it wasn't for the state then there would be no safe haven for jews and yeshivas. So some hakaras hatov is in order. Though the current reaction is to say the state is destroying Yiddishkeit, oh the irony!

Look in the sefer Eretz Chemda for a good summary of the positions.


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Not sure what to call this Avairah - Probably falls in the category of "MURDER" - trying to kill out Frum Yiddishkeit and create a "NEW NATION" of idealistic "Israelis". Apikursos is definitely up there as well.


    well put. :-) - Yehuda HaMaccabiAug 20  '12 at 23:06

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The reason the Gedolim opposed it is because the Gemoro says Hashem made 3 Shvuos with Klal Yisroel before they were sent to Galus and one of them was not to take over Eretz Yisroel by force! I dont know why the Gedolim didnt mind after though!


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