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Showing 10 most voted answers out of 13!
2In which meals does one need a mechitza?
2Is it muttar to steal from the medinah?
1Is one permitted to kill oneself if he knows that is the only way to stop himself doing an aveirah
1Should you eat pork or speak Loshon Hora if you had to choose between the two?
1What were the Zionists Oiver when they made the state?
0Why dont our Gedolim have massive nisyanos anymore?
0would a video camera be considered good witness to condemn someone with the death penalty?
0Is a man allowed to listen to a goyish woman sing or is it Ossur because of Kol Isha?
0Is it wrong to send a boy to a Yeshiva where the boys father is a Maggid shuir?
0Is there chazakah on a place in the beis hamedrash when there is no official Kolel?