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9 answers!
7is it true that those killed Al Kiddush Hashem dont feel the pain?
5It's the users who usually come up with the best ideas for a site like this! (July 2012)
5Is there an Issur Yichud to go in a lift with a woman when the ride will last about 25 seconds?
4what are advantages and disadvantages of Daf HaYomi
4What were the Zionists Oiver when they made the state?
4What is the exact issur of looking at impure things on the internet?
4what is the name of the sefer that explains all the bad names Chazal used on each other for the good
3Should you eat pork or speak Loshon Hora if you had to choose between the two?
2Is eating to distract oneself from problems a form of addiction?