We've built the site with as many features as we could think of to make the site user friendly. But its users like yourselves who will decide what additional features could improve the user experience.
If you have an idea for a feature on this site, just post it here as an answer. The number of votes on your post will tell us how popular your proposed feature is. If the feature is approved by us too, we will then add it to the site.
So put your thinking caps on!
Below are the suggestions that have already been implemented:
The ability to see all the active questions instead of just the last 30! To do this just use the questions tab and choose sort by active.
The ability to edit a comment!
The ability to see which posts you voted on!
The ability to write more then one answer!
There is now an alert system in place for new posts on questions that you asked and comments on posts that you answered.
It is now possible to alert other user by addressing their full username without spaces at the beginning of your comments starting with an @ sign. Example: @yehudahamaccabi
Permalinks have now been added to all posts!