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What is the exact issur of looking at impure things on the internet? [closed]





Everyone knows that looking at Shmutz on the net is Ossur. I am looking for the Issur that this goes under. Can it go under the Issur of looking at women? I wouldn't think so because one only looks at the screen. Can it really be that the only Issur is because of thoughts and Hotzaas Zera?


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5 answers!





You write "can it really be that the only Issur is because of thoughts..." Only? "Shmutz" cultivates and develops a person's yetzer hara within - it makes you want more and more, in quantity and quality. The Gemara says that one who knowingly and willingly lets this happen to oneself is deserving of a minor form of excommunication. It doesn't matter if it's a specific issur, it's very damaging to any person who is striving to be anything spiritually. A key factor of the אדם השלם is being in control of one's base desires. This causes the extreme opposite.


    Even if the word only was not correct here, the question still stands. Is it the same as looking at a woman? - King of KingsJul 11  '12 at 21:09

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ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם

Biur Halachah (on Orach Chaim 1:1) says that אחרי עיניכם refers to this


1   what he means is it is not a real woman, only an image? How can this be included in the Issur - platoJul 11  '12 at 00:09
    The pasuk seems to be including anything that can be seen through the eyes - b aJul 11  '12 at 01:14

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maybe one can suggest that it also includes the issur asay of vehavta lereiacha komoicha because one can not love their wife as much afterwards.Also what about vnishmartem meod lenafshoiseichem because one is killing brain cells and making himself phsycially and mentally ill. Truthfully i dont think this is an appropriate place to discuss this topic. What do you say?


    iteresting fact heard from internet psycologist in a shiur that the addiction of internet is more powerfull than gambling, alchohol, drugs etc.. so your really getting yourself in a hole. - Chief Rabbi of The DRCJul 12  '12 at 15:27
    doubt it is more powerful then drugs. Anyway thought you didnt want to talk about it huh? - Old WineJul 12  '12 at 15:36
    old wine i didn't want to talk about it but its not going anywhere, might as well add my tupence. - Chief Rabbi of The DRCJul 12  '12 at 15:50
    Philip Rosenthal said it is, Im prepared to believe him. - Chief Rabbi of The DRCJul 12  '12 at 15:51

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I would suggest the guardyoureyes website for any internet related questions.


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The Halacha is it is Ossur to look at a woman through a glass! This would go to show that even a picture of a woman is considered like a woman like an image through glass!


2   That could be different because there the woman exists, you are still seeing here. Here she is not there! - small fryJul 11  '12 at 15:55

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