Dov F
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Showing 10 most voted answers out of 14!
8Are small mundane things not related to Yiddishkeit Bashert from heaven?
7Is one permitted to kill oneself if he knows that is the only way to stop himself doing an aveirah
6It's the users who usually come up with the best ideas for a site like this! (July 2012)
5why are we not allowed to look at the Kohanim when the bless us with taleisim over them?
5what are some english words that are taken from Lashon Hakodesh?
5What is the exact issur of looking at impure things on the internet?
5Should we really listen to Chazal if they tell us that our left arm is our right one?
4did the Early Jews cover their heads?
3Can one have Shabbat dinner outside?
3are you allowed to have a hot shower on Erev Shabbos in the 9 Days?