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What every man wishes his wife would know about internet filtering [closed]





Many of us have to have internet at home for whatever reasons. Hopefully we have all installed some sort of filter on it. However, we all know that filters only help some of the time and there are sometimes situations where the filter will not help.

Sometimes I think that I wish I would know my wife knows how to check my computer whenever she wants, and that would create the best guard of all. But she is totally computer illiterate. What in your experience are the things a frum woman should be checking daily on her husbands computer assuming he agrees of course.


1   Good question. Got a lot to say but will start at with just a tidbit! - disgruntledGoatJul 04  '12 at 14:48
3   This post should be printed and given out to seminaries! - shteeblehopperJul 04  '12 at 18:16
2   Ha ha, the girls wont know what hit them! - busy gabbaiJul 04  '12 at 18:18

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5 answers!





Well the first thing that springs to mind is that she should be cheking the history folder just in case there is evidence there. She should also know that filters only block browsers but leave the internet connection untouched. So lets say that you unlocked the internet together and you surfed for five minutes and then relocked it, just because you cannot surf any more on the internet doesn't mean there isn't something downloading in the background. (A torrent perhaps?)

So she should be checking the downloads history and opening up any torrent clients right after the internet has been opened. Also a search for files ending in .torrent might pull up some interesting stuff as well.


    what are torrents? :-) - shteeblehopperJul 04  '12 at 18:16
    Spot on. I download a lot of torrents for my work, and my wife knows to always check the torrent client to see what is downloading. - busy gabbaiJul 04  '12 at 18:19

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I wish my wife would come in the room more often and at random times, so I would know there is always a chance that she can see what is going on. Perhaps she could also log in from her computer using log in without me knowing and see what is happening live? But I dont know if that is possible.


1   trust me, you dont want her logging in without you knowing - shteeblehopperJul 04  '12 at 18:16
2   @shteeblehopper it wont be a problem if you are behaving - busy gabbaiJul 04  '12 at 18:19

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I don't know that the wife is always the best solution. Why should she be checking into what he does behind his back like some sort of mashgiach. There must be a better way...


1   You def have a point, but if there is nothing else then what? - DannyNov 19  '12 at 15:02

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One of the most important things in my opinion for a wife to understand is passwords. First of all she must be aware of a forgot password option. For example on K9 web protection, a simple click on Forgot Password will send a temporary password usable for 24 hours to a specified email address. Readers of that email address will therefore be able to access the K9 admin section for 24 hours and all this without affecting the true password at all. It is basically a back door into the administration part. The way to counter this is simply to set up the K9 email address for the password restoration to an email address that you have no access to. This could be one that only you and your wife knows the password too similar to the tactics of many on the main K9 password.

The next thing a wife must be aware of is that it is possible for technically savvy people in certain situations to reset the main password. They shouldn't however have the power to discover the actual password though, just the ability to reset it to something else. The deterrence against this is that the partner who knows the password will realize that the password has been tampered with when he or she cannot access the admin anymore. One must let the partner know that words like 'it was corrupted and it reset' are very suspicious. A password change nearly always means one partner has broken the password and accessed the admin.

Lastly the wife should always press Enter to submit the password after entering it. This way she is ensured that her password still works and has not been changed unduly. It is also possible if she leaves the password there in the form of asterisks (********) that there is a possibility of the password being translated back into real characters before her husband will press enter. Submitting the password herself will stop that.


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Wives need to know one very important thing and that is men have a large Yetzer Hora and not as much self control as women. So look at your husband that way and bear in mind that he might need help to keep away from any potential threats and that is the only way you can be assured that he will stay clean. One more thing, even if ones wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, some women will still look more physically beautiful in his eyes. Wives, you are there to protect your husband do not take him to town with you, because the grass always looks greener.


    there is a website that has a program which sens all the history to your rabbi and/or friend... - georgeAug 28  '17 at 10:39

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