is it true that those killed Al Kiddush Hashem dont feel the pain. And is there documented evidence that martys did indeed expirence pain and expressed it through screaming, ie at the auto de fe?
is it true that those killed Al Kiddush Hashem dont feel the pain?
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4 answers!
In the piyut on Yom Kipur (and Tishah B'Av) about the Asarah Harugei Malchus, we say that Chananyah ben Tradyon asked the executioner to remove the cloth that was causing the fire to pain him longer. This clearly implies that Chananyah ben Tradyon felt pain.
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The talmidim asked Rabbi Akiva when he was being tortured with iron combs and was still saying Krias Shema, Rebbe, even to this extent? This means they new that the pain was unbearable!
Perhaps this vort was said on the actual pain of death itself, i.e. on the separation of the body and the neshama. However the torture before would still be agony!
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Check out B A answer. That made me think of when one Reb Yishmoel Kohein Gadol was flayed, he let out a big scream. That would seem that it hurt a lot
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