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Is one permitted to kill oneself if he knows that is the only way to stop himself doing an aveirah [closed]





I think there is a machlokes achronim whether a person who knows that he will do an aveirah voluntarily if he can kill himself to stop himself. Perhaps this is Nogeia to the shaaleh of whether it is proper to kill yourself after doing an aveirah! That i know is definately a machlokes! Can anyone shed light on this delicate matter?

edited to specifically ask this question when nisayon is voluntary


5   Dont go so soon, we were just about enjoying your company :-) - Yehuda HaMaccabiJul 08  '12 at 23:19
3   PLEASE ASK A ROV BEFORE HANDING IN THE TOWEL - shteeblehopperJul 09  '12 at 00:05
1   We're gonna have the FBI watching our backs soon! - disgruntledGoatJul 09  '12 at 14:38

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6 answers!





Rabbenu Tam (cited in Tosafos Avodah Zarah 18a ד"ה ואל) says that people who fear that they will succumb to the coercion of others to do an aveira have a mitzva even to kill themselves to prevent it from happening. I think it goes without saying that this is of course only with regard to the most severe aveiros, as in the big three.


1   not a bad proof, but i think there is a difference. In Toisofois's case the person is being forced to do an aveirah and to stop himself, he is permitted to kill himself. However in a general situation where a persons Yetzer Hora is inciting him he has the option not to do it. So he cannot say he is forced! - platoJul 09  '12 at 00:00
1   @plato I agree, although Tosfois does allow this, one can say it is only because he is forced. On the other hand, perhaps when his Yetzer Hora it too strong that is also called forced! - shteeblehopperJul 09  '12 at 00:04
1   @plato you are right that they are different, but why doesn't the same reasoning apply even when not forced. If an death is preferable to sinning then what difference if a person is forced or not! - Oiker HarimJul 09  '12 at 14:34
    I didn't realize the question was davka about the yetzer hara being so strong. However I agree with shteeblehopper's point - it's a mefureshe Gemara in Kesubos (51b) that such a thing is theoretically possible (יצר אלבשה). - Dov FJul 09  '12 at 00:21
    true, the question is not clear - platoJul 09  '12 at 00:24
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if the avairah that you are reffering to is zera levatala or something that can lead there then you should definitly not kill yourself as that would be the ultamite ZL (destruction of all the genartions leading to you plus all the ones that were supposed to come out of you)


2   Very clever! Nice chap. - Old WineJul 15  '12 at 00:28
    Sweet but have got something to say but will go look it up first, be back later - Oiker HarimJul 15  '12 at 02:06

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The Gemoro in Kiddushin 81b brings down the following (shortened version of the) story:

Rabbi Chiya Bar Ashi used to say 'May God save me from the Yetzer Hora'! When his overheard him she said he is anyway old already, why does he need to pray such? She dressed herself up as a prostitute and paraded in front of him. She told him she was a famous protistute who had just returned from overseas. He requested relations with her and she said 'first fetch me that pomegranate'. Meanwhile she dissappeard. When he came home he went and sat in the oven. When his wife asked him what he was doing he told her the story. She then tolf him not to worry because it was herself anyway, and he only believed her after she proved it with Simonim. However he fasted the rest of his life to repent on trying to do an aveirah.

Rashi says why did he sit himself in the oven? 'To kill himself'!


1   Briiliant proof. - Old WineJul 12  '12 at 15:37

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There is a famous story about an Amoira who had fallen into tempatation with a strange woman and planned to meet her, when he came home he tried to kill himself until his wife proved to him that the woman was herself dressed up!

That would seem to point that it is permitted (and perhaps encouraged?)!


2   a source please? - shteeblehopperJul 09  '12 at 00:05

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i dont understand. we're told vechai ba'hem, dont die instead of doign aveiros. it doent matter if someone else is threatening you or yourself.

not sure aht you mean if the nisayon is voluntary? if you can avoid the nisayon avoid it, if you cant then chaak ve'ematz. we have yom kippur for a reason, we have teshuva for a reason. we throw a goat off the side of a cliff not ourselves!


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To all those finding "sources" advocating to kill oneself for violating Jewish law, you are truly imbeciles. To the person asking the question; if you are asking a hypothetical, you are missing some screws. to come up with such a question? not normal. If you were asking a question about yourself, and have thoughts of suicide, then YOU MUST SEEK HELP FROM PROFESSIONALS THIS SITE ISN'T THE PLACE TO LOOK FOR ANSWERS.!!!

As far as the question goes; a previous poster wrote it, "v'chai Bohem" Torah and Mitzvos can only be done ALIVE. The Torah dictates when one must give up their life for Yidishkeit, and it is in very few and specific scenarios. Certainly not for being oiver an aveirah, especially because killing oneself is one of the gravest aveiros of all!


    It actually happens to be a Machlokes Achronim, but if you mean to say we dont Pasken like that, then indeed you would probably be right! - Yehuda HaMaccabiFeb 06  '14 at 14:01

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